Sunday, October 4, 2009

Run, Bike, Run with the Jolly Rodgers

Can you believe it? I'm blogging, Mom, I'm blogging! It's been long overdue as my lengthy email/photo diary reports have frozen enough email accounts - including my own. So, today, is the official beginning of my blog. You really have to do some fast 'creative' thinking on your feet when you start these things - what to name the blog and what your handle will be. Kevin and I worked on many different names (blog on this; the blog, the whole blog and nothing but the blog; my blog hurts; he kicked me in the blog - you get the picture). So, a cute little ditty like Just a Little Blog seemed to fit (probably because the newsletter I've done to my customers in the past was named, aptly, Just a Little Bite). Anyhow, so here it is! Read at your leisure when the mood strikes - or when you get a notice via email that something earth shattering has been posted.

So, let's talk about this morning and the return of the Jolly Rodgers! The Green Bay Duathlon is always scheduled for the Green Bay Packer bye week or if they play on a Monday night (as we ALL know they are this week). This duathlon is held at one of my most favorite places in the world, Lambeau Field (surprise, surprise). You start with a 3 mile run - then you do a 32 mile bike - and then you finish again with a 1 mile run. I went back and forth about doing this for a while and then my good buddy Maurice really put the rubber to the pavement this week when he found a few more Jolly Rodgers 'newbies' to join the team. Well, that sealed the deal, and the fact that we got a great discount for encouraging more like-minded athletes (and I use that term loosely) to join our bunch of marauding runners/bikers didn't hurt either.

The team consisted of myself, Kevin, Maurice, Sara, Kelly and Cheri (who is did WI Ironman two years ago - which, in and of itself, is pretty darn impressive that she'd want to join us - must have been the discounted rate because I'm sure it wasn't the fine athletism she was drawn too). We were all out to have fun! That was the name of the game in all the emails that were flying around all week long. Remember that point - fun. Got it?

Here is our team - Kevin, Maurice, Sara, Cheri and Kelly

Let's talk about Kevin for a moment. Kevin is a hockey player. Kevin is an awesome biker. Kevin is not a runner (he used to be, many moons ago, but that ship has since sailed). So, the agreement all along this journey has been that I would stay with him on the run and then he would stick with me on the bike (side note - this is the first event we've ever done together - I know, right there, that should be the CLUE that this ain't gonna end well - yes, we did Race The Lake but there was never an 'agreement' that we'd stick together - this was going to be one for the books - Kevin and I crossing the finish line holding hands - GAG!! NOT!). The 'agreement' was even discussed last night before we went to sleep. I'm not saying I'm a great runner by any means, but my legs are just longer than his and they move faster. There! I said it!

So we wake at 4:49 am today and hit the road for Titletown, USA. It's dark - it's kinda windy - and it's 47 degrees (and it kept dropping as we got closer to GB - oh joy!). We meet up with Maurice and Sara and slowly start making our way to transition to get set-up. It's light now - still cold and yes, still a little too windy. Everyone is bemoaning the fact that its cold - who's idea was this - i don't know what to wear - I have to pee...the comments run the gamut! Meet up with Kelly and Cheri and our team is complete! Walaaa!

Now, I'd like to go into a little detail about my attire. I love the Green Bay Packers - I do! And I have acquired many different GBP clothing items in my years on this earth. The crown jewel is a Riddell Green Bay Packer bike helmet. It is probably 12 years old. It looks like someone dropped a green and gold watermelon on your head. Read this - it ain't pretty! But, since this event was being held at Lambeau Field and I found out that the theme at the finish line was all green and gold (and some purple and gold), that it was only fitting that I pay homage to my team and dress for success! So, the GBP helmet was the first thing that got the nod. Then I found my black Reebok GBP tank top. And then, the GBP bike jacket that I bought two years ago (I just knew this stuff was going to come in handy some day). The ensemble was complete - complete with wardrobe changes as the event progressed! Oh yes! Wardrobe changes. I wonder how many other duathletes spent time worrying about what to wear and when?

I know you want this helmet! I know you do! It's smokin HOT!

Since our team of stragglers just signed up on Wednesday, we were in one of the last waves of 50 people to go. Which meant it seemed to get colder and windier as we waited and waited. Uggg. Who's idea was this again? Finally, we get the nod at 7:40 am and off we trot. Cheri, our Ironman, left our sorry *sses in the dust. Kelly, Sara and Maurice stepped it up. Kevin and I pulled up the rear. That was the 'agreement' and I was going to stick to it - just like the Marines, you never leave a soldier behind (ahem). It was not a pretty run at all, but it was what it was. We eventually caught up with the rest of the team (sans Cheri) or maybe they felt sorry for the old people and waited for us, but we all got back into transition at the same time. And then we all were off on the bike at the same time. Here is where I took the lead!! Wooo wooo! I led the Jolly Rodgers...for approximately 1 minute. And then that was it. The Fond du Lac-ian Rocket, as Kevin and Maurice, like to call me, lost her steam. Kevin and Maurice and Kelly took off - and never looked back. Now, WHAT THE? What about the 'agreement?' I thought for sure that Kevin would slow down and wait for his betrothed to catch up, but no! Hmmm. I kept watching. And waiting. And watching. And well, nope, that *sshole just kept going. You can bet you sweet *ss there will never be another 'agreement' in this household when it comes to an athletic event. Ever. So again, that whole 'there ain't no I in team and there ain't no we either' mantra rang true again. You'd think I'd learn.

Whoa! Now that's what I'm talkin about! Maurice even dyed his hair for the event! Bravo!

So, sweet Sara stayed back with me and we plodded along. And it was cold. And it was windy. It was really windy. Renne, my triathlon coach (and second place overall FEMALE finisher this am - great job, Renne) said it was in the 40s and 20+ mile an hour winds. And, there were only 1 1/2 minutes of total TAILWIND and 3 total minutes of CROSSWIND. Otherwise, it was full force gale coming right at you. Wow, how could you NOT want to ride your bike for 32 flippin miles like this? Really?? But it was a darn good ride because Sara and I talked the entire way and she is the SWEETEST person! A true delite! It was all about the fun and we had a very good time.

Finally, we came around the last corner (onto Potts Ave) with about 1/2 mile left to get back to Lambeau. OMG - the wind was just terrible. You wanted to cry. That's when Gloria, the race director, came screeching towards us in a truck, 'there's a train coming - hurry up.' You're kidding, right? That's exactly what Sara said. HAHAHA! And no, she wasn't kidding. Well, we beat cheeks and outran that SOB and finally got back into the parking lot and transition.

When you dismount after not stopping for 32 miles, your legs feel like jello. You kinda buckle. Your legs want to pedal - not walk. But we had another 1 mile run we had to complete. So, off comes the bike shoes and back on go the Newtons and off comes the GBP bike jacket because now I was hot. I still had my GBP tank top on emblazoned with the logo to wear over the finish line. But then, the thought crossed my mind, why NOT wear that beauty of a helmet the last mile? Sara said to do it and well, that is all I needed. So off we ran - me sporting my HOT gumball bike helmet as we trotted off. We still couldn't feel our legs at this point so I told someone I needed to keep my helmet on for 'safety purposes.' HAHAHA!
Anyhow, ugg, the first 200 yards was kinda icky but then it all comes back to you and when we were running down the finish shute, Troy, the best announcer at any of the events in WI couldn't not help but laugh (or shutter in true disbelief) that I would wear such an amazing piece of athletic equipment. But hey, it fit with the theme and it's all about going all out when you do these events, correct? And if you can't win, then you might as well dress the part and have a GREAT time doing the event. That's my line and I'm sticking with it.

So, you're probably wondering what happened to the rest of our TEAM? Well, Kelly and Kevin ended up pulling out ahead - then, Cheri came screeching in right ahead of them in the last 50 yards of the run (I wish I would have known so she could have tripped Kevin as he was hobbling that last mile - crap!) and then Maurice close behind them. My time was 2 hours; 50 minutes:16 seconds. I wanted to finish within three hours so I hit my goal (though I would have liked to have been closer to 2 1/2 hours, but...doesn't every athlete say that kind of crap?). Here are the results for the rest of the Jolly Rodgers:

- Cheri...2 hours; 36 minutes; 07 seconds
- Kevin...2 hours; 36 minutes; 25 seconds
- Kelly...2 hours; 36 minutes; 25 seconds
- Maurice...2 hours; 38 minutes; 58 seconds
- Sara...2 hours; 50 minutes; 16 seconds

Kevin, Me and Maurice -after the fun and games.

Ta daaaa - there you have it! The first installment of my blog. Of course it was going to be lengthy - what did you expect? Now, it's time to put this bad boy away and begin PREGAME for THE matchup tomorrow night. Come on, Brett - you throw those interceptions! Just like you did on January 20th, 2008 - the last time you were on my most favorite place in the world...Lambeau Field! GO PACKERS - BEAT THE VIQUEENS!!! WOOOO WOOO!

I heart Aaron!!

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